On my other blog, I write about my love of deep fried foods
You can read about it here
I knew something needed to change but was unsure about wanting to give it up
I made the choice at the end of our holidays (perfect timing!) to give it up for a while
That was hard
I know to some people it may seem stupid but when something gives you comfort, you are drawn to it
You want it, crave it, feel the need to be filled
Not just physically, because that was an OVERFILL
Mentally and emotionally fill what was so empty in my life
I never really realized how hard it would be to give it up
Recently I was in Alaska visiting family
I made up my mind that I would not eat it for a year
That means nada for deep fried food for 1 year
When I said it it almost scared me
Who the heck was this person who would say that
Surely not I
But yes it was
And then I decided that before I did have anything deep fried, I want to figure out my relationship with foods that are deep fried
I know, it sounds nuts
But my relationship before was one where I was trying to fill a void
And was going to kill myself slowly with the way I was eating
And that void was n.e.v.e.r being filled
(personally I am just hoping that by the time a year is up that I get sick when I think of french fries!)
You can do whatever you need to to change eating habits
It WILL be hard
But YOU are worth it
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